Monday, 8 February 2010

Homeopathy in India

Homeopathy has been around for 200 years and was invented by Samuel Hannehman. Homeopathy was introduced in India by Dr. John Martin Honigberger from Transylvania in 1839. He was actually in Lahore to treat the maharaja’s horses who were suffering from leg ulcers. The maharaja was impressed with the results of this type of treatment. Maharaja Ranjit later asked the homeopath to treat him for paralysis of vocal cords and oedema. The maharaja was quite satisfied with the treatment which cured his paralysis.

Homeopathy has been growing in India since 1839. Homeopathic Pharmacies are in every major city in India. Most provinces in India also have homeopathy universities to train future homeopathic physicians. India has 186 homeopathic universities. 37 of these institutions are funded with public money. The other universities are privately run.

The Indian government created the Central Council Of Homeopathy which requires uniform education at the graduate level and diploma level in homeopathy. This has lead to standardized practice in India preventing unqualified homeopaths from prescribing medicine and treatments. Currently, there are over 300,000 homeopathic doctors practicing medicine in India.

Allopathic medicines cost more than homeopathic medicines. Due to the low cost, homeopathy is more affordable for most of India’s population. Only allopathic and aryurveda medicines are more popular in India than homeopathy. 10% of Indians use homeopathic remedies which makes India the #1 consumer of homeopathic medicine in the world.

India is carrying out quite a bit of research on homeopathic medicines. Numerous institutions have been created to carry out various studies in homeopathy. Public money has been used for much of this research.

Some of this research includes Dr. Prasanta Banerji & Dr. Pratip Banerji scientific papers on brain cancer. This research was collaborated with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The study showed that Ruta 6C and Calcarea Phosphorica 3X helps to kill cancerous brain cells but does not damage normal brain cells or functions.

Other types of cancer have been handled by these homeopathic physicians. The doctors have treated cancer successfully in 30 to 40% of the cases.

Homeopathy is an accepted form of medicine by the Indian government. It is generally regarding in the same light as allopathic medicine. India is one of the few countries that generally accepts homeopathy.

Sanjib Sarkar is a content writer for

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